பிம்பம்(Simulacrum) — The Dream

Arvy Bala
5 min readOct 8, 2022

Narration #1: Paradox of the Brain

I am awake at night. I am someone that comes equal to all species of this world without any prejudices. I was living in the pride that the vices of the world never affect, how would it, I am the DREAM; born only to serve. But here I am, in a plight whether or not to tell a dream befuddled as I might befuddle you.

A human chooses me to embrace his thoughts when he’s at REM. When two humans choose to birth a new human; they could have chosen it out of various attires of life. Love, Lust, Responsibilities, Accidents, Pride, Promises, and times when the choices that only one of the two takes and sometimes by force. Humans — What greed has it, to fulfill?

Ever since a child sees the light, it begins to visualize through me. If out of unfortunate factors, a child doesn’t visualize, it hears the sound through me. The volumes of nature were never silent. Even at death!

I guide to the treasure that a human despises or desires. I, the Dream; am the mirror that shows what, not a human could have. Abstraction is no longer an art. It is an Artificial Intelligence; deemed as an art. Simulation is a generation of models to mimic reality. Guess where humans got the idea from. But I never mimic. For I am the Dream; born only to serve and known for my code of conduct. Because I am never blamed! Puny humans blame themselves.

Now, I choose Arvy — my beloved human as a specimen. The lab rat of the Dream God. Struggling in his reality as a fighter. His agony, fear, and ruthless composites of bad things make him, my greatest experiment.

We go into his mind! The place where there is no more mirror for the being and the appearances. No more structured or discursive lives. No more agony. No more coexistensivity. His dream; no longer needs to be rational to his reality. Because it no longer measures itself as either ideal or negative.

Well, in my line of work; predictability and morality go hand in hand. It is about Time I switched morals!

Arvy stands with a dozen of his fellow soldiers in their own clothes and it seems they have been all assembled in the Hall of Portal to be transported into what they called — the Imperfect World.

The girl with a giant box near the portal was handing out duffel bags with winter clothes. She instructed everyone to throw away anything else they have in their possession. She said in a loud voice,

“No guns, then that’s glory. Hail to the Lord of this Perfect world, assholes!”

Arvy was beginning to slip out of the dream as he begins to realize this is a dream and his hidden insecurities are not allowing him to walk through the portal thinking it was a real one and what if it kills him. Slowly I nudged him back into the REM.

Being tapped on the shoulder by the soldier behind him, he was told — “Don’t think about what if’s. Walk through it. This is your chance to take the leap into kindness.”

His name was Monty. But that was how he identified himself at first. After being called by the lady at the portal gate, Arvy realized that the man’s actual name was Milton. Monty is the code name given to the people who work for the government that kills their rivals.

Arvy stops him and lets others pass through. He was not reluctant to speak but never afraid to answer the question, “Mr. Monty! or Milton, whatever it is. Why have you been doing what you’re asked to do? If killing the competition is the way, why can’t doing the work for people be a job for them? Why can’t they let their personal motives be aside for once and serve people without showing off? Why such greed?”

Milton smirks and his left-cheek dimple showed and it was the evilest and hottest smile one could wear, “Arvy! I see why you’re being transported. You ask too many questions. We are all fugitives of our world. Destined to be banished and be the underpaid goons of whatever world we are being transported to. I have taken dossiers of many, many people I have assassinated around the globe. These were approved by the people whom we elected. I have assassinated the kindest and truest ones which made me realize that this is not what I have signed up for. So, my agenda changed. I killed my own employer and his team of fascists. And this is why I stand with you to walk through this glowing red portal.”

And Milton/Monty walks through the portal as he receives the bag from the lady. Arvy gets the bag from her and smiles, in response, she pulled a gun from her holster and says, “Walk away while you still can!”

Walks through the portal and then Arvy struggles to stay inside his dream.

Everyone jumps from a portal 10 feet high on a platform that’s 10 feet high from the ground. Arvy looks up and realizes that the portal is above and not across. The soldiers are banished to another world from their world for not following the orders. The fact of being kind is a sin, makes up for the irony. Arvy again jumps from the platform to the ground. It’s almost that the gravity was weaker and his jump was softer and less hurtful.

Welcome to the Imperfect World, Arvy!

He fears he might lose where this is going because the brain does not comprehend unknown severities. Let me tell you why nightmares exist!

They exist and they probably evolved to help make living beings anxious about potential dangers. Or to put it in easy words, that’s what happens when the brains don’t listen to me and do the work which I am supposed to. Some people, well most people in the Perfect world find it nearly impossible to stop bothering other people’s business. I find it confusing!

For, I am the DREAM; born only to serve.

~keep dreaming until next Episode

